Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's Not Easy Having Yourself a Good Time ...

I am not a sinner saved by grace. I am not a mother, nor am i pregnant or responsible for spawning 12 illegitimate children via 9 different fathers. I am not a red neck, I am not a bigot - I am not someone who pretends to be more important than i actually am ...
(President of the Latin Honor Society in High School ... by ACCIDENT. Yeah, I'm THAT important)

I am not republican, nor am I a democrat - this does not make me a hippy. I am not a smoker of tobacco or anything else you can wrap in paper or stuff in a pipe.

(I like my lungs attached, pinkish and full of air - not soot. Also, i prefer my brain a semi-solid rather than sporting a consistency similar to primordial ooze).

I am not a cheerleader or a pep rally girl, or a needy prep

(Because, like, OMG, when people talk like this? It like, makes me want to pour rubber cement into my ear cannals? *twirls hair around finger*)...

I found myself hitting the 'Next Blog>>' button today and this was literally all i could find - 95% of them either being moms talking about their little Charlene's first haircut or how Billy ate a whole pound of dirty today ...

(we are just SO proud)

Mom's typing for their family as a whole about how a horde of 7 members of the Johnson clan had picked up and moved to Obscuretownnamehere, Idaho from Youwillneverfindthisplaceonamap, Georgia ... there were a few skitzo blogs made by parents typing from the POV of their now-4-years-of-age child who was born 3 months, 5 days and 16 hours prem ...

(Mommy loves me so much - i spelled C h a r l i e with my Spagehtti-O's on her new white spring dress and she was so proud of me she cried!)

Most of these posts seemed to be by bored stay-at-home moms looking for something to hold onto that seemingly extends outside their home ...

((The Internet! of course! i can blog and the outside world will know of my pain and hardship! All the diapers I've changed, the vomit I've cleaned, every dinner I've made, laundry loads I've done and all of the SEX I've been busy not having! I know someone will find me - I bet the Internet stretches all the way to the curb of the front sidewalk! Oooh and maybe I'll even get to write about my scrapbook art! And my hobbyist knitting! There must be others! ))

Or the blogs belonged to people who had been 'Bathed in the Blood of Christ' and reborn onto the path of righteousness and new life - how God had saved them ... And while i will never mock a person for their faith or for having a religion - I am not about to embark on a spiritual journey with you, if i had one or knew what to believe, maybe i would but until then the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster suits my needs and beliefs just fine.

This will be random and it will probably not be appropriate for people 17 and under but now that I've written that I'm sure I'll be sponsoring an audience of readers who will ask their parents what Sex means later on tonight. I might write about my life ... I might write about college and how i have no time for this blog ... I have in the past been known to use blogs like an outlet so i don't do something i'll regret in the morning (P.S. i AM NOT a horny slut) - I will try to keep the Drama Llama to a minimum.

So I listed some things i'm not - here are a few things I am/associate with/take part in:

1. I love to take photographs of people when they're not paying attention (ehm - NOT in a sketchball kind of way thankyouverymuch). I will put them up on here if i ever find my camera.

2. I love to draw - sketches? crayon coloring? sidewalk chalk? mayhem may ensue ...

3. I participate in WoW MMO shenanigans and will bring them to the slate ... (and once half of you look up what an MMO is and WoW you will no longer want to read this blog.)

4. I enjoy the strangeness and crazy random happenstances that occur in and through the lives of other people - It will be involved here.

5. Firefly, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings i'm totally there - read the Harry Potter books, laugh at the movies, etc.

6. I am a nerd. I deal with it, you should be able to as well. I won't dress up as Robin and jump around in tights and a cape yelling "Holy spicy chicken wings Batman!" but i do some strange things now and again

7. I make random obscure and pop culture references - if you caught the one in #4 you get a high five

8. I will find strange and irrelevant pieces of information for your general enjoyment and in an attempt to increase that storage bin in your head labeled "Useless knowledge"

I find 8 and appropriate place to stop - it is my lucky number.

I seek to give the average blog searcher a smile. Sarcastic mostly and sometimes witty - writing helps me feel better when life gets me down and hopefully reading this blog will do something similarly for you. There are so many other things i could say/bring up/ discuss - but that is the point of the blog. So come back, enjoy and read on dear readers - read on.

p.p.s. - I also like music (I'm cheating by adding this down here)

Go listen to:
"I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters
because its stuck in my head :-)

Until next time - live long and prosper!

(or as i like to say, die young and be sterile!)